She Summits & Summit Supports

Code of Conduct

She Summits & Summit Supports Code of Conduct

Trail running is a sport which should be enjoyed by all of those who participate. Through our Summit Supports Programme we want runners from all nationalities, backgrounds and abilities to feel welcome and to feel that they are in a safe environment. 

We want each participant to feel a part of the group/programme. Above all, it is important that members experience an enjoyable time during their participation.

This Code of Conduct (the Code) was laid down to assist the leaders and volunteers at She Summits to provide a safe, encouraging and enjoyable atmosphere to She Summits / Summit Supports participants.

She Summits / Summit Supports Rules Regarding Behaviour

  1. Every person will respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person in She Summits / Summit Supports.

  2. No person will bully or continually harass, either physically or verbally, another person. 

  3. Continuous disruption or non-compliance with the directions of the leaders/volunteers will not be accepted.

  4. Physical assault or the threat of physical assault towards any person will not be accepted and may lead to immediate dismissal.

  5. No person shall discriminate against another person for any reason.

  6. No person shall take or interfere with another person’s property or that of She Summits / Summit Supports.

  7. Participants are advised not to leave an organised run/event at any time during training without the expressly discussing with a leader/volunteer.

Code of Conduct for Leaders and Volunteers

All leaders and volunteers in participating in She Summits / Summit Supports should:

  • Always consider the wellbeing, inclusion and safety of participants.

  • Always ensure that every participant's feedback, concerns and/or opinions are heard.

  • Ensure that the environment created is a safe one so that every participant feels a sense of belonging.

  • Ensure that all events are equitable for all participants by providing appropriate support and adjusting routes as necessary. 

  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with participants, based on mutual trust and respect.

  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and the experience of those taking part.

  • Promote the positive aspects of trail running (e.g. fitness, community, etc.)

  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour.

  • Hold appropriate level of experience and first aid training.

  • Never exert undue influence over participants to gain personal benefit or reward.

  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibited substances.

  • Encourage participants to value their participation and not just competitive or performance-based behaviour.

  • Encourage and guide participants to accept responsibility for their own participation and behaviour.

  • Never use foul or inappropriate language.

  • Never engage in any form of sexual relations with She Summits / Summit Supports participants.

  • Leaders and volunteers should never place themselves in a compromising position by communicating with She Summits / Summit Supports Participants outside of agreed communication methods.

Any breach of behaviour will be subject to such sanction as may apply at the discretion of She Summits / Summit Supports.

Code of Conduct for She Summits / Summit Supports Participants

  • Appropriate behaviour is expected of all participants at all times.

  • The types of behaviour that are strictly forbidden at any time while an person is participating in the She Summits / Summit Supports programme are as follows:

    • Bullying and aggressive behaviour and unpredictable behaviour

    • Physical and mental abuse

    • Use of foul or inappropriate language

    • Alcohol consumption, smoking or substance abuse


  • Normal running times are the designated times fixed by the Leaders.

  • Other running sessions or participation in events are organised from time to time depending on the requirements and interest of the participants.

  • Trail or appropriate running shoes must be worn at all times. A jacket/coat, hat and gloves must also be worn or carried as appropriate.

Security and Safety

An objective of She Summits / Summit Supports is to provide an environment where members can feel safe to participate in organised runs/hikes but also to progress their fitness and befriend others. The instructions issued by Leaders/volunteers are issued with the participant’s safety and welfare in mind. Accordingly participants should complete instructions as advised by Leaders/volunteers so as not to put their own health and welfare at risk.

Bullying Policy

Bullying can be defined as repeated aggression or annoyance, be it verbal, physical or psychological or online conducted by an individual/s against another or others. It is intentionally aggravating and intimidating – which includes teasing, taunting, threatening, derogatory online posts, hitting or extortion.

  • Bullying of any description will not be be tolerated.

Cessation of participation/leadership/volunteer

  • A participant/leader/volunteer may resign at any time by notice to that effect. 

  • Any person shall on ceasing to be a participant of She Summits / Summit Supports, forfeits all rights to and claims upon She Summits / Summit Supports, its property and funds.


  • She Summits / Summit Supports accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to members' personal belongings.

  • All equipment and facilities provided by She Summits / Summit Supports or any event organised by the She Summits / Summit Supports must be respected at all times.


  • It is the responsibility of each member to mind their own belongings. She Summits / Summit Supports accepts no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to the belongings of participants.

  • While She Summits / Summit Supports will treat any breach of the Code of Conduct as a serious matter, She Summits / Summit Supports is not responsible and accepts no liability for the actions of individuals.

  • She Summits / Summit Supports accepts no liability for any injuries suffered by members while participating in She Summits / Summit Supports activities or while carrying out duties in connection with participation in She Summits / Summit Supports.
